Thursday, March 08, 2007


Well, as my MSN does not work anymore, I will start with the planned story here.
Last tuesday we went half of the Matsi house to Edessa (13 persons), so I called it the 'Erasmus school trip'. Edessa is a little village and it is known because of its 25-meter waterfall and its nice surrounding., and it takes about 1,5 hour to get there by train. The train ticket was really cheap. Normally it costs only 6/7 euro's (retour ticket), but we are students, so we only had to pay 4,20 euros! Such a big difference with the Netherlands.

The trip in the train towards Edessa was quite boring. The first part looked like the Netherlands: flat and straight. The second part was nicer, but still much of the same: more hills, but such a dryness! We heard that normally there's a lot of snow in the beginning of March However, the only thing we saw during our day was the sun, and lots of blue sky.

Edessa itself was very quiet, we didn't see a person on the street, except for the salesmen of course. The first waterfall was quite nice, but it was very small, so we were a bit dissapointed. The lack of snow/rain was clearly reflected in the size of the waterfall.

However, when we walked somewhere else, there was a much larger one. So again, we all took a lot of pictures, except for me, I don't like taking pictures when everyone else does. I can easily copy a couple of them.

After those two waterfalls everyone was hungry, so we went to a restaurant. I only took a 'green salad'. I had no idea what I would get, but it was simply a plate full of cold spinach. I think most people would not like it, but spinach is my favorite, so I was very happy.

Afterwards, we walked to another place, even more on top of the hill, where we had a nice view over the valley.
And that was the end of our Edessa trip, as there was not much more to see. So we went back to the trainstation, where we had to wait 45 minutes, as the train only goes once per 1.5 hour.

The beautiful view of Edessa: here are some pictures.

The first (small) waterfall
Mieke and me at the waterfalls (don't ask me why I look somewhere else, I don't know)


The wilder one...
The valley

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