Wednesday, May 23, 2007


  • "Do you feel like having a class today?"
  • "Of course, always" (acting nice always works in favor of you grade ;-) )
  • "Well, when do you want to have the exam? Monday the 11th, Tuesday the 12th, Wednesday the 13th, Thursday the 14th or Friday the 15th?"
  • "Monday or Tuesday would be the best days for us"
  • "Okay, we set the date on Tuesday the 12th then".
  • "The whole class together?"
  • "Yeah, of course, we will just have a little informal discussion"
  • "Okay..."
  • "Well, that's it for today. I'll see you next week"
So after 15 minutes of waiting, we had 10 minutes of 'class'. And then we could go :)! A little impression of our Greek life here.

Sometimes, I just LOVE Greek classes, as I didn't feel like doing much, because I have been ill (again...) And the real work has started now. I'm momentarily working on 2 essays, 1 research project, 1 feature story and German (which we have to do for school at home).

It all started last saturday, during the goodbye-party of Claire. <Claire: one of my friends here in Matsi, living in the room next to me and we shared the balcony :-)> After having her as my neighbour for 2 months, her time here was over, she had finished her project, so she went home.
Well, so my right lung started to hurt quite badly after a couple of hours. I thought it was just because I was tired. So I hoped it would have gone away the next morning. However, it had not. With every cough my lung hurted, and the next monday it still hadn't gone away. So I decided to start my extra antibiotics, that I got fromthe doctor, just in case that.... Next to this pain I also had received a cold (again).
And today on wednesday, it seems that the antibiotics do their work: again. My cold has partly dissappeared, the pain has gone away, I'm only having a short breath from time to time.

So: lucky me :-)

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